Frequently Asked Questions

AErender Launcher is proved to work with any Adobe After Effects that comes with aerender module. We tested it with Adobe After Effects CS4 (aerender version 9.0x346) and it worked perfectly (in legacy mode). Though, we won't provide any support for Adobe After Effects starting from CC 2014 and older.

Due to changes in constantly updating Adobe After Effects scripting language, AErender Launcher Script could not work with your Adobe After Effects version.

aerender supports only lossless output formats, same as Adobe After Effects. You can render with your own output module by adding it into Launcher

Please, note that provided output module must exist in available output modules, otherwise aerender will return a rendering error.

Also, if you installed FFMPEG inside AErender Launcher directory, you can use it for encoding lossless formats.

The main reason for all rendering errors - is your actions. We are not responsible for any render errors, because AErender Launcher is only used to start rendering, and it's not rendering anyting on his own. But, if you encountered any render errors try following this troubleshooting steps:

  • Try limiting Cache and/or RAM usage. When each aerender process has unlimited access to memory it can cause memory overloading and further rendering crashes.
  • Try optimizing your Adobe After Effects project. Sometimes just some basic project optimization tips like "reducing resolution" or "disabling motion blur with 60 FPS" or even "using less performance-expencive effects/plugins" could help you render your project without any noticeable differences in final result.
    (as in our case, Mograph Practice benchmark wasn't been able to render even on our fastest test bench, before some optimizations)
  • Allocate more disk space for cache or clean your disc cache inside Adobe After Effects settings. Go to Preferences -> Media & Disk Cache and set bigger disk cache size or clean it there.
  • Finally, try to update your PC configuration: add more RAM, buy better CPU/GPU or replace your cache drive from HDD to SSD.

We won't provide any support for aerender or aerernder rendering errors. Go to Adobe forums, because all aerender errors does not depend on us. We will only provide support for errors that was occured with our program.

If you stuck with any Access Violation error, the only thing you should do is to submit your case in Issues section on AErender Launcher's GitHub page with step-by-step instruction of how you got that error.

Still have questions? Contact us: [email protected]